I've got an old moped (Puch Maxi) that I'm trying to convert from 6v to 12v to run modern lights.
It's a super basic setup - no reg/rec or battery, just a permanent magnet on the flywheel going past a coil/inductor.
My limited understanding of electricity and poor google skills led me to believe that converting to 12v would involve rewinding the coil with double the thickness wire twice as many turns.
Having messed around trying to rewind the 6v coil it was clear that double thickness, double turns wouldn't work (space issues), so bought a 12v "conversion" coil.
Thing is, this 12v coil looks (to me) indistinguishable from the 6v one, same gauge wire (possibly even slightly thinner?) Doesn't seem to be "overwound" or anything so what makes it 12v? Any ideas?