Thread: Future Fuels
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Old 09-01-2008, 11:41 AM   #14 (permalink)
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the mazda - '01 MAZDA Protege LX
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It seems that it is because biodiesel is low is sulfer that it has major drawbacks, and that the new ULSD has many of the same unwanted qualities as biodiesel.

If the new regs put diesel on its death-bed, they made it easier for biodiesel.

If all our commercial trucks went to B50 it would be a good start.
Low and Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel: EPA regulations will require many marinas to sell low sulfur diesel by October 1, 2007, though many will make the transition early this summer. Nessenson said, "Low sulfur (500 ppm) or ultra-low sulfur (15 ppm) diesel contain more moisture, destabilize very quickly and are more susceptible to bacterial growth than high sulfur diesel. The results are sludge and plugged fuel filters that can completely shut your engine down while at sea."

Because sulfur helped to lubricate the fuel system, premature injector and fuel pump wear may develop. Older diesels may experience leakage from injector and fuel pump seals that aren't compatible with lower sulfur diesel fuels. Nessenson suggests, "Boaters should keep in mind that fuel additives don't prevent or correct leaky seal problems caused by lower sulfur diesel fuel. They should contact their engine manufacturer to determine if replacement of fuel system seals are necessary.

"We have formulated ValvTect Marine Premium Diesel with BioGuard biocide, lubricity improver, water dispersant, corrosion inhibitor and fuel stabilizer to prevent problems caused by the reduced sulfur content. ValvTect Marine Premium Diesel requires no additional fuel additives, thus eliminating the risk of using the wrong fuel additives, saving time and a lot of money," he said.

Biodiesel: This eco-friendly fuel is becoming popular, especially in the Midwest where tax incentives make the price very attractive. Although biodiesel has good lubrication qualities and a more pleasant smell, it has some of the same problems for boaters as ultra-low sulfur diesel. These include very poor stability and susceptibility to bacteria growth. Biodiesel also contains about 3% less Btu (energy content) than diesel fuel, which causes somewhat reduced power and increased fuel consumption.
Call channel five, get them broads over here, tell them of the tragedy of my trappedness.

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