Originally Posted by California98Civic
Also, I am driving a 1998 Civic that I bought in June 2001. It has 260,000 miles and still has the same rods and bearings and piston rings... same 1998 starter. But for the last 90,000 miles I have been stop/starting it maybe 10 times a day.
Just one person's experience... but I think the hardware is a lot more durable that he is claiming.
I just hit 250,000 miles on my 1991 Civic. I'm also on the original starter. I did have to replace the starter solenoid contacts, but that was before I started hypermiling. And the engine internals are original as far as I know (purchased with 75k on it). The engine rarely gets to idle, it's either doing work or it's off.
I bump start a lot too. I did a preemptive clutch disc replacement at 198,000 miles when I swapped in the HF trans. Still using the original pressure plate.