[QUOTE=greenitup;57842]I am 17 too and had that problem, used to consistently get 19 mpg, now i get 30 mpg, and i didn't even accelerate that fast but i went fast, i took off about 1/3 of my speed

, it takes me about 5 minutes longer to get to work (30 minutes instead of 25) but it makes me safer, cheaper, better environmental. I used to never get passed, now i get passed all the time. (my travel is on a big state road that is hilly and the average traveling speed is about 55-70, i go about 35-40 on it

, speed limit is 45 so

) Plus i love po people

Wow we have almost the same FE. Before I joined this site I got 20-21 MPG consistently. Now I don't have an consistent reading but it is higher. I used to never let people pass me and got pretty aggravated when people tried, now I could care less. I wonder what my FE would be if I had a better commute. My commute is like 35-45 MPH in rush hour traffic with an signal light every 1/2 mile or so.
If you have a standard eoc works good (dont do it in an auto), it is nice for long down hills and flats between hills, it not only saves a bit of gas but it prevents you from continuing driving during that time, so you are not using gas to accelerate. It helps reduce speed temptation.
I've started to EOC since last week (gas light came on and had to make the fuel last until Sunday), and only do it after I enter my neighborhood. Yes I have an automatic, but I saw link on this site where my car could be flat towed for 200 miles so I don't believe that it will cause any damage. Hopefully I am right, would hate to have to get a new transmission. I get to EOC for .7 mile in my 10 mile daily commute so it's almost like I can make my tank last around 1/10th longer.