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Old 09-12-2018, 02:41 PM   #2869 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
It seems that most people either accept Andygriffith Global Warming or they refuse to consider it. This seems to be the only [mostly] civilized discussion that I have seen.
I'm looking at an article at home,from a Milankovitch cycle expert who got into climate change research.He's talking about 3-camps of belief:
*Skeptics (which includes all scientists)
*Deniers (who reject science and empirical evidence)
*Believers (who defer to the scientific community)
He also mentions Albert Gore Jr.,and one other,who he labelled passionate 'Exaggeraters'.
and in the same sentence expresses gratitude to Gore for attempting to bring a conversation about climate change to the general public.
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