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Old 09-20-2018, 12:08 AM   #26 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by seifrob View Post
.. Yes, you seem to be wasting fuel. But by wasting fuel you ensure you do not damage your vehicle ( what could be deadly in case of airplane ) - and there are cases where water gets to gas and diesel somehow forms jelly-like chunks. So I think there is a reason why ICE in hybrid should run sometimes. So you use your fuel tank to use the fuel, not to store it.
Algae and bacteria growth is a matter of concern with Diesel and kerosene. Well, at least in cars the tank vents into a closed canister, while aircraft have the tank vents wide open in order to balance with the outside air pressures at different altitudes (which increases the risk of moisture contamination). A former teacher of mine once told my class about a day he was draining small amounts of kerosene from the tanks of some Brazilian Air Force aircraft (probably an EMB-110 Bandeirante) into a Coke bottle, looking at it against the sun and then pouring that kerosene on the runway, and then a guy on another aircraft arrived with some laboratory materials, tested a small amount of kerosene with that and put it back into the tanks...
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