Or you can change water for another agent, with lower boiling point, by making use of a heatsink to allow water exchange heat with this agent, and the agent would boil and be used to move the turbine. But the agent would need to be collected and cooled, condensed back, since I presume no agent for this is cheap or eco friendly.
Or just forgot vapor turbine and use a stearling engine.
I found the Zenith system (multi junction concentrated solar cell cooled by water) produces water about 90 celsius degrees, close to boiling point.
But how, if multi junction solar cell best working temperature it's not 90 celsius degrees ?
Originally Posted by aerohead
Typically,a steam-turbine operates with 500-degree F superheated steam.
With any given 'sink' temperature,the best efficiency is with the highest temp 'source'.
A heat pump (reversed air conditioning system) may draw its efficiency comparison from a electric resistance heater.