Not a fan of iPhones period, and I've had the 3,4,5, and now 6s.
I'd rather see an entire image than have an incomplete but larger one. If I needed a bigger screen, I could simply hold the phone closer to my face.
Someone do the math on this. The extra 1/8" screen means you can hold the phone, what, an extra half inch further away to get the same perceived screen size? I have a feeling the Pythagorean theorem comes into play here.
Simplification is great for simple people. I happen to find buttons useful though. Beyond that, I like to send files via wifi or bluetooth sometimes. Heck, can't even send files via USB if they aren't photos. I've disliked Apple products since the Mac Classic II. Drag a floppy disk icon to trash to eject it? The iPod was terrible.
If the iPhone 10 doesn't have a home button, how does it do fingerprint recognition? BTW, why did they skip the iPhone 9?