All hail the torque converter?
I read the transcript and it sounds like he is describing far fancier transmissions than those you find in an Accord.
I have read many people say that they shift faster than an automatic and someone always responds "You can shift faster than my [$100,000 car]?"
Let's review that checklist:
Catch up on schoolwork: No
and notes: Yes!
Write twenty progress reports: No
Put up curtains in the living room: No
And finish applying for health care: I am waiting on someone else to process paperwork.
I am supposed to have three new clients today! I may have four tomorrow, but one was a no-show last week, which is awesome, because they live an hour away! We have another therapist that works with them and says calling ahead does not help.
This should be one of my best weeks in the three years that I have been doing this, but I am kind of busy!