Sodium batteries will (or can) replace lithium using solid state batteries.
Ethanol from sugar cane it's a lot more efficient to produce than ethanol from corn. Brazil produces a lot of ethanol this way. And new researches are focusisng to use even the dry portions of the plants to produce alcohol, since they study bacteries able to broke celulosis into sugar, and then sugar is fermented to became alcohol.
About hydrogen... I would say forget about use liquid hydrogen in tanks for cars, since the energy you spent to liquify hydrogen it's about 50%of the energy hydrogen can render on engines or in fuel cells.And hydrogen atoms it's so small it will leak day by day in the tanks, since it can break through the atoms from the tank.
Hydrogen to store energy can't be very good, since I imagine the loss it's high. If you convert water to oxigen and hydrogen, by electrolysis, using the energy from solar panels, the energy recovered after use the hydrogen in a fuel cell would be small compared to the energy spent in the electrolysis.
I believe in green revolution, but not as a one single savior source or single technology,
but in a combination of diferent approuchs combined. Solar, eolic, bio fuels, new batteries, lightweight cars.
And maybe nuclear power may be neady for a wile while technologies didn't "get there enought" yet.
And technologies to turn thermoelectric power plants far less polluter can also help.
Originally Posted by seifrob
If you ask me, the whole "Future is ..." is just advertising one proprietal solution.
There is not enough lithium to convert all petrol cars to electric
There is not enough platinum to make hydrogene cells for all cars nor not enough resources to produce so much hydrogene.
There is not enough corn to run all petrol cars on ethanol.