Originally Posted by freebeard
But modern bus design follows the principle of this stap-on:
So maybe you could add a cab-capper with a little added frontal area and show a net gain in Cd. Would you be interested in a retractable boat tail back porch? What's the use case anyway?
I posted that graphic and the comments that disputed it's working. I also said something similar to what Frank Lee just said.
I like the idea, but Aerohead has answered this same question many times in the forum and said the additional frontal area just doesn't pay off. At least that's what I recall, will stand corrected if my memory is bad.
Just clarifying that is a bad graphic, hence it's inclusion into the "Random UnAerodynamic Cars and Trucks Thread".
If newer buses do have this feature built-in I question if it's just a marketing gimmick.