Thanks for the sketch Kach, great looking ideas. Freebird, I rushed the post and caught the error right after I hit submit but had to head out the door. Or may be I meant to have to accept selling it, hmmm, that's it!
Anyway thanks all for the ideas & suggestions but I'm trying to get an idea of my cost and effort for reward ratio. Is there a site to help me compare different modifications and what the energy savings would be? I'm sure I could spend $10G making it look like a rocket but I'm not going to do that. Im trying to find that sweet spot in the ratio (effort<=reward) and what to expect.
Question: If I have a square meter box, what is the aerodynamic reduction of force required to push that through air at 60mph if I instead it had a 45 degree leading edge? Is this an applicable question for the front box of the truck?
If that greenshield thing works, maybe I could mimic the idea and use it to hide my spare up there. Reasonable?
Thanks again everybody.