Originally Posted by freebeard
How do they propose to use a state constitution to steer private enterprise. That sounds dicey.
For the coal-fired airships, the attitude rockets could be fluidized nano-scale coal particles. But for ships the Thorium in the coal should be used in fission.
PBS recently broadcast,'DARK MONEY',on Point of View (POV).
Essentially what the story is about is how:
*Koch Brothers setup 501 C-4 non-profit corporations.
*The 501-C-4s funnel unlimited oil money into political campaigns,via,Citizens United vs US,and the 'due process' clause of the 14th Amendment,and control of the US Fair Election Committee.
*Attack ads show up 3-days before election day,and candidates have no time to rebut the ads before election.
*Koch-friendly candidates win the elections and go to work on the Koch agenda,and Koch never has to lobby any more,since they 'own' the elected official.
It's really quite exquisite!
A North Dakota politician got caught,but he only had to pay a $67,000 fine,and he's still in office.
These are the people who will amend their state constitutions to the advantage of business.It goes back to Roman times.