Originally Posted by Farraider
Regarding Sprinters, they're too common and have no character IMO - I like this vehicle and I did all the work myself.
OK, but that character is gonna cost ya ...
Euromodder, your suggestion about rounding the corners more with half pipe. Half a 6 or 8 inch pvc pipe just mounted down the corners? With middle of the curve directly over the corner?
No, that would make the box even wider
You really don't want any more frontal area when you can avoid it
With the half pipe entirely on the front of the box
Doing the same on the roof might work too, despite a bit more frontal area
(the area of 1 pipe diameter)
Essentially creating a channel guiding the air aft.
With less air spilling over to the sides along the length of the box.
And what spills over, goes over more smoothly due to the bigger radius of the pipe than the box's original corners.
To be combined with a cab roof spoiler guiding the air to that channel
I wonder how much that would help? It probably pales in comparison to fixing that huge flat front and rear drag.
It won't be the miracle solution, but your box could use any help
Not much of a creative talent here, but these quick drawings may give you the idea :