Ground clearance is important on roads with deep snow?
Does anyone plow dirt roads anywhere?
I recently bought a square-nosed shovel for another project, so I was planning on keeping that in my car, at least until I bought the E-Tool, but the point about the square nose makes sense. Coleman sells a $10 folding shovel, but the only square folding shovel that I can find is $40 on Etsy, plus $10 to ship.
Who uses Etsy?
Should I carry a bag of kitty litter or is there something better?
Well, it is 0330, and it is still raining, although it is down to 36°. I took melatonin a couple of hours ago, but still feel completely awake, which is a problem, because I am supposed to be at a client's house in five hours.
I need to cut back on cat videos!