Thread: Coal power
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Old 10-16-2018, 07:22 PM   #27 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
I expect to see a return to coal fired Transoceanic ships with in my life time, trains possibly and coal heating if the price of natural gas doesn't stay low.
Coal-fired ships? Not so unlikely at all, as long as they could also resort to other solid fuels. Trains? Who knows... Home heating? I wouldn't really hold my breath for that.

But I expect natural gas to stay affordable for around 50 years, the main way natural gas would become unaffordable is with a huge increase in deman.
With so much organic matter rotting around the world, recovering the biogas and processing it into biomethane might become more competitive and allow much of the same pipelines to remain in use.

2050+ trains would probably be coal steam turbine electric, not steam piston direct drive like in the Victorian age.
You mean something like a miniature of a coal-fired powerplant? That would be interesting to say the least. Sometimes when I drink too much I wonder how a modern vehicle could fare with a steam powerplant...
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