Originally Posted by RedDevil
It all depends on temperature difference. Capacity is important, but if the difference stays the same it has no effect on the outcome. The difference is what powers the storm.
I understand what you're saying.What I'm saying is,that whatever situation existed at the time of Michael's development,it was perfect for creating a near-Category-5 hurricane.
If present 'conditions' were extrapolated into the future,there would be a degree of confidence that a Michael-esque hurricane could come along.
Winds,(driven by pressure differentials,which in turn are driven by density,which is a function of temperature,a function of atmospheric heating),throughout the vertical air column,were steady enough not to produce wind shear.
There was no dry air available for intrusion into the storm.
The warm,moist air has a lot of kinetic energy,and buoyancy,which coupled with the lapse rate,release energy as it rises.As long as the wind within the vertical air column of the storm is basically uniform and without shear,all it needs to grow is the source of warm,moist air.
It's like the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) of a super-cell,super-storm tornado