Originally Posted by MazdaMatt
2.5 degrees steady? could it not curve upwards? ie, if i did make it curve upwards, would flow disconnect at the 2.5* point of the curve?
Sorry MazdaMatt for late response! In Hucho's work,he cites R&D done with diffusers,and the research spells out that if the diffuser upsweep angle exceeds 2.5-degrees,that you'll experience flow separation,losing any static regain benefit of the diffuser.---------- MechEngVT and Kevin Cooper may be more current than Hucho,as Kevin is or has been doing work at Canada's National research tunnel I think.Virginia Tech may be doing some current stuff too.I'm not current with SAE so maybe use Hucho as a rule of thumb,with an expectation that diffuser knowledge is at a higher state-of-the-art.We ought to see if SAE is on-line now,and if we can purchase papers as could be done in the past.They used to cost $3.50 per paper( a great bargain!) and SAE needs to be supported for all the good they do.