Originally Posted by oil pan 4
If it's free then why does the Germans electrical cost keep going up?
Building fixed solar power is far more expensive than almost anything else. No one has really even tried to address the minor issue of not being able to store solar power in any way that begins to approach cost effectiveness.
After losing two world wars due to lack of 'energy',Germany is in a unique position to understand the cost of energy vulnerability.
The German people are willing to take their 'haircut' in the short term,with high prices,to pay for a future of relatively 'free',domestically produced zero-carbon electric power.
Cost effectiveness,at some point,isn't even included in the calculus,when a planet is a stake.The Julian Simons,Bjorn Lombergs,and Alex Epsteins of the world won't understand this.
As to storage,many are actively pursuing solutions to this challenge.China more than any other country.
If necessity is the mother of invention,then we may look forward to invention,as the necessity of invention is a mutha------.