Originally Posted by S Keith
The issue is the complete waste of effort with radiant heating. It will be grossly inefficient and slow. You are heating sheet metal radiantly, which then radiates externally (wasted) and internally onto PP/PPE plastic with very low thermal conductivity and a cavity that permits heat escape out the inlet. Furthermore, the temperature sensors are on the outside, which will react relatively quickly even when the cells are bone chilling code. This could permit the car to use full hybrid function on a very cold battery. That will kill it in no time.
I linked a multi-speed, multi-heat dryer. High fan and warm heat is highly unlikely to get the battery too warm. They LOVE to be 90-100°F, and it will likely take many hours to get there.
30-60 minutes prior to start would probably suffice.
Thanks! I'll look into it. I'll have to look and see where the air normally comes out. I assume somewhere on the right side, opposite of where it normally enters on the left side.