Originally Posted by Xist
It is good to know that 70% of electricity is lost between generation and end users. I shared before that rooftop solar costs twice as much as what it costs a solar farm, but if it costs twice as much, but actually provides 5/3rds the value, that sounds like a good benefit.
It's not 70% loss of electricity; it's 70% of the cost is in infrastructure to interconnect everything and transmit power.
My cellular grid idea still involves interconnection and transmission costs; it's perhaps a little cheaper because the infrastructure would encompass only the area that makes the most sense. This leaves people out in rural areas still dependant on the existing grid infrastructure. If they are expected to bear their actual cost in supplying electricity to them, then it will require a huge upfront cost, and would incentivise people to move from rural areas to more populated areas. Perhaps not entirely a bad idea, although more populated areas also tend to have their own added cost of living expenses (SF is insane/why do people live there).