Have you figured out how diapers it's killing the planet ?
Population don't stop growing. And the reason they don't want to stop, the political, it's because there will be many old people alive to be taken care, requiring young people to assist, care of then,
change their diapers and spent money with health care.
So the new pollitics try to pull this problem away as they can, with new medicines research (stemm cell in CHina), with more people born to get more young in relation to the numbers of old people.
They try to keep the diapers away.
But the planet no longer can hold a lot of people, population growing.
The city of Domes, in Logan's Run fictional fantasy, had a solution, killing people before they get old. This would avoit about colapse of the system, reduce costs, avoit dirty diapers and need of caretakers.
Also avoid back pain, reduce incidence of cellulits in women, prevents skin premature agging.