Researcher of new battery accepted my invitation for interview in this website.
I get response from Maria Helena Braga, researcher who developed the glass electrolyte used in the new battery she and John B. Goodenough created.
I would like t ask the attention, if you allow me, of the Ecomodder moderator and adminstrator, for some questions :
Would you allow me, help me, to post the interview and following debate with forum member, in a place of spotlight/distintion of Ecomodder website ?
May I ask for some speciall supervision of moderators, just to ensure a welcome not confrontative atmosphere during the debate with the researcher ?
I'm sure almost everyone in Ecomodder are nice, but just in case someone get a bit out of line.
My idea it's to make a detailed interview with my questions, and post it in the Forum, to be followed with other questions from Ecomodder forum members.