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Old 10-24-2018, 12:27 PM   #3424 (permalink)
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The Sun

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
The believers are obsessed that the suns radiant output only changes by 1% which is true and that radiance is the only thing that effects weather and climate.
ICON and GOLD satellites will confirm the effect of solar wind and the lack there of once and for all on the upper atmosphere.

But with china pumping out more CO2 than any one could have imagined and the sun going into a solar minimum we won't need no satellites to tell us if the sun effects climate.
*The Sun's been observed since 1611.
*The change in solar output is 1/10th,to 3/10ths of a percent,not a percent.
*As of 1995,the Pioneer spacecraft was monitoring low-energy galactic cosmic rays out at 60 AU.reporting that the rays were being strongly supressed by the heliosphere,which extends out to approx. 100 AU.
*The IMP-8 spacecraft began sending signals from it's Charged Particle Measurement Experiment (CPME)in 1976,within Earth orbit.
*The ULYSSES spacecraft was launched in 1990,and began signalling data in 1994-95.
*ULYSSES was a joint effort of 9-nations.
*ULYSSES flew 14-experiments,of which solar wind observation comprised a lion's share of the research.
*By 47-research organizations or universities.
*"generated 10-research papers
*by 112-scientists.
*with reference to 211-former solar research projects.
*over the span,from 1948-1995.
*The effect of the solar wind has absolutely nothing to do with climate change.
*Freebeard's You-Tube from JPL has to do with Solar Equatorial,Coriolis Effect,twisting of magnetic streams into Archemidian spirals,which is thought,may be over-twisted during solar cycles.No connection to climate change.
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Last edited by aerohead; 10-24-2018 at 12:28 PM.. Reason: add data
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