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Old 10-24-2018, 09:56 PM   #38 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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I will make a offer you can't refuse...

Well, with 23.000 cycles, it can last a lot. Just that makes it a best optium than lead acid, since lead acid it's around 300 cycles, so the solid state have 76 times longer life.
Even if a lead acid was still 50% the price of this new solid state battery for the same Kw/hour, by calculations the Braga solid state battery would last much longer, making it 37 times better if you think for decades. But even thinking as just 6 year investment, if would be cheaper for such years, since lead acid don't last even 3 years in general.

You can discharge it complete or nearly, If I remamber well, and charge very fast, in minutes. Works well on very hard winter too.
With deeper discharge you don't need too much extra KW/hour battery, making the Braga battery another advantage, since it could be a small model with even less KW/h than a giant lead acid that's reccomended to discharge only 50% or 60%.

I reccomend you to accept the offer, since the second round would be... well... be too hard:

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Let's pretend like weight and space are not a factor.
Only price, depth of discharge, life span, reliably matter.

I already have one forklift battery for off grid experimentation, it's just a baby at 560lb and I don't have much problem moving it around. I should be able to handle a couple of 2 ton 24v batteries.

Last edited by All Darc; 10-25-2018 at 06:05 PM..
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