I remember the Segway being referred to as "It". Might have been the late 90's. Good way to get free advertising, but I guess nobody wanted to spend $7000 to look like a dork. Musk got the free advertising, but his products are a bit sexier.
My dad drives my plug-in prius to my grandparents up the hill. I'd like to use my Prius as a car sometime, so I figure a Segway is the next best thing for him. Plus he could check the mail which is about the same distance in the opposite direction. Don't think I can get him to walk. He has nerve damage from an L5-S1 injury and problems with his knees, but should really walk while he can. My grandfather could walk about 100ft tops, and had no physical problems other than sitting all day and being out of shape. Hope I don't end up the same way. The property is 25 acres total, so it would come in handy getting around.
My wife was walking to work even up to the day she had the baby, which involves a sketchy climb over the fence at the apartment complex and walking through a very steep grassy field that isn't regularly mowed. That is the half mile walk. It's more like a mile if you go the proper route. Now that she comes home at noon to feed the girl, she drives to work rather than walk round trip twice per day. Maybe she would scoot instead.
Anyhow, I'm grasping at straws for utility so that I can justify my impulse purchase, and you're not helping. :P