If Solar creates surplus electricity, why does Arizona have Time of Use plans?
What if I asked out the nurse practitioner and she said "Yes please!"?
These "What if"s sound like excuses. What if I go to the party and nobody talks to me? What if people talk to me, but they do not like me? What if they like me, but are crazy? Yeah, I should stay home."
My landlord back in the valley put us on a time-of-use plan, where we were not supposed to use any major appliances during business hours, although of course, my roommates did whatever they wanted, left all of the lights on, etc.
This would be complicated, but if you had periods each day with surplus electricity, why not set up a system where you estimate from when to when you will have a surplus each day, and discount your rates during that time? It would seem complicated to have factory managers keeping track of those times and scheduling workloads accordingly?
Yes, it would be complicated, but not as complicated as purchasing battery arrays and replacing them every ten years.