Originally Posted by redpoint5
If people were rational
You don't have to go any further in that sentence. If people were rational the world would be a *MUCH* different place.
Mostly people just want something large so that they aren't on the losing end of their poor decisions.
Count me in that one. I'd prefer not to die because I am being careless, or not concentrating 100% on my driving, or because a moose decided to cross the road in front of me at that precise moment.
The number of moose collisions (their eyes don't reflect headlights like deer, caribou, wolves, cattle, elk, etc ... so it's much more difficult to avoid colliding with them!) on our highways influenced my decision to purchase a truck instead of a sedan. I should survive in a truck. In a sedan, the car takes out the legs and the moose comes through the windshield - alive, kicking, and desperately trying to get away.
Just saying that there are a number of reasons to purchase bigger vehicles. Better odds of surviving sounds like a good one.
I'd also prefer that no one get injured in any other vehicle that I collide with, should that collision occur. I don't believe there is a crash test for that.