USA Coca Cola uses corn syurg, while on Brazil we use sugar-cane as, to sweeter to coca cola.
Parents, in most cases, are idiots today, and if you let everyting in their hands children will be cursed.
Another hazard : The abuse of artificial sweetners was found to increase weight and so diabetes, according a article I remamber, by cheating the brain and make it believes a lot of calouries will come, and this created some effect that make people eat more.
By the way, the super battery we talked about in other thread it's like someone had created a chocolate that tastes better, do not cause diabetes, make you lose weight, increase life span and make your muscles tight and strong.
We are in a race for the great artificial or vegan meat, in a race for super solar panels, in a race for super batteries... Should we create a race for the such super chocolate?
Last edited by All Darc; 11-02-2018 at 06:18 PM..