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Old 11-08-2018, 05:40 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
When the French devised the meter, they did not use some pedantic local unit or the distance from Paris to whatever. They took the one thing that unites us all - the planet we live on.
Yes and all that you need to measure a meter is travel to the north pole,

Set course for Paris, travel in exactly a straight line with some kind of amphibious craft or something because, you know, land, ocean, and ice. Good luck!

Travel straight through Paris straight to the equator. There is a nice marker there, right?

Then divide by a million.

No problem!

Originally Posted by Xist View Post
231 square inches per gallon.
Originally Posted by seifrob View Post
I have no idea what would I do should I provide a gallon.
I already told you!

Most people needing to measure a gallon would purchase a bottle of water.

6.1357924396619589761115289875159 inches is:
6 2.1726790345913436177844638002544/16ths! Easy!

Actually, it is easy. What resolution is your printer? If it is 600 DPI then you create a square 3,681 pixels each side.

Is 1/600th of an inch accurate enough? That is probably more precise than I can cut.

You know, I have watched videos and read articles about computers and electronics made by people belonging to the Monarchy, presumably intended for other subjects of The Queen.

I have never heard the metric equivalent of DPI, but I have heard them randomly throw out feet, pounds, and miles.

Modern "Star Trek' shows are supposed to use metric, but I remember in "Phantasms," Season seven, episode six of NextGen, Doctor Crusher says:

Yes, in a very particular way. They appear to be extracting our cellular peptides. It's roughly analogous to the way terran leeches consume haemoglobin. If they're not removed soon, our bodies are going to lose all their cellular cohesion. We'll collapse into nothing but a few pounds of chemicals.
I honestly do not think that I have watched this since it first aired twenty-five years ago.

How in the world did I remember this specific reference from a quarter of a century ago?! How come I did not remember to make up a session with a fun client on Tuesday or the Tuesday before that?!

It is not that impressive. I thought it was the other female lead character, Counselor Troi, and I thought she said you would collapse into a pile a foot high, not into a few pounds of chemicals.

Plot hole? Why wouldn't your puddle weigh the same amount?
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