Indeed, psychology and psychiatry are so dumd-shi...t areas that they started to label things so many times, so insistent, that today they found nearly noone are normal, nearly noone are outside the spectrum of some condition they classified somewhere as something.
Indded humans are not normal, but animals from nature that get opposable thumbs, walked erectus, and learned to speak.
But it's funy how a lot of bright people was labeled as abnormal or crazy, when questioning society stupidity and society insanity, while a lot of just "lead soldiers" people, byproducts of their time, ignorant, incapable of contest and keep coherence, was saw a normal people.
And they will have more and more drugs to sell to a lot of people with each new "condition" in any of these spectrums they created.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Which is why they say "on the spectrum", meaning there are varying degrees. I'm sure I'm on many yet to be defined spectrums of cognitive and social behavior, and wouldn't be surprised to know I'm just a touch autistic too.