I removed the largest REFLECTIX panel the other day to install a thru glass MIDLAND antenna for same brand weather radio (and this week received same brand antenna & design for restoring the “campground radio” CB), and found the panel was now past its useful life.
The trailer has not ever been out of hot Texas summers. The window covers did survive six summers both in and out of direct sunlight.
Given the cost of doing all those windows with one $50 4’ tall roll of REFLECTIX, I got my money’s worth and then some.
The second go-round will be easier as I can use the originals as templates. May even use spare material and double up on some of them (ribs in between with open spacing & sealed edges). I also need to use it in a few interior spaces.
I’ve been using the same approach (cut to press fit) in the tractor-trailers I run. It’s an enormous difference.
I’ll have to try the clear bubble wrap on a pair of the three windows I allow light to traverse.
Granted, I’ve meant to build a complete set of interior storm windows, but that DIY will have to wait awhile longer.
Thanks for waking up the thread.