Aye, its a serious piss take. If it weren't for that I'd have had a Twizy myself, but after agonising the decision for a while bought the Smart for the cost of several months worth of Twizy battery lease payments - my monthly petrol bill is less than the lowest monthly lease option on a Twizy battery.
I'm eyeing a Smart ED/EQ next, but that Acrimoto would hit the spot perfectly for me if it came here...and if the price was right. Two seats, minimal footprint, electric locomotion, ticks all my commuting boxes.
2004 Smart Fortwo 0.7 petrol.
Many, many bicycles.
2019 Volvo XC90 T8 - 400BHP plug in hybrid insanity.
All journeys I do under 10 miles are human powered - I make journeys, not excuses..
2019 mileage - 1900 by car, 7100 by bicycle.
Last edited by Lemmy; 11-19-2018 at 05:37 PM..
Reason: Teribbel tpynig