Originally Posted by aerohead
Something shared in SCIENCE,was that at some time,the general circulation models were predicting warming which was not occurring.
The solar physics community stepped up,attempting to explain the discrepancy via solar activity.
Not long thereafter,someone included cooling from sulfate aerosols,originating from volcanoes and coal-fired power plants into the computational models,and they finally got a fit.The solution had been hiding in plain view.
From Ockham's razor,there was no longer a need for decreased solar activity as an explanation for lower temperature signature,as they now had a basically,full accounting for the causal relationship between greenhouse gases and warming.
We are presently a degree warmer than indicated,but until awhile after the coal-fired power plants are shutdown and the particulates have time to settle out,we won't see it.
Oh, I remember the sulfate issue.
Makes you wonder what the climate would be like if we didn't clamp down on that.
A few million more respiratory disease deaths a year might even slow consumption and overall emissions down, too.