Electricitymap.org seems to have good real time electricity production data by source for California any time you want to look. The scroll bar between the map and the data is hard to grab but you can click on the left 1/4 of the screen and arrow up and down. Scroll down to see the 24 hour history and point at the the different colors to see percent of capacity and percent of total. And the time seems to display your local time regardless of which country you are looking at so you have to convert.
It is late in the cooling season and was Saturday so the week days may look different from more industry but California had a low of 18GW at 3:AM and a high of 25GW at 5:30. Solar peaked at 63% capacity factor and it was windy with the turbines showing over 45% CF all day. 1/3 of the peak was covered by gas and 1/3 was imported.
Germany's wind and solar are both doing 10% capacity factor today and less than 10% each of the total production with 48% of electricity coming from coal and 16% from nuclear.