Sticking this on here real quick:
I love how the average fuel economy of vehicles at home as increased over the years. Back in 2015 we had:
1999 GMC Sierra (both parents): 2500: 12-13 MPG
2004 Toyota Sienna (both parents): 25-27 MPG
2004 Honda Civic (me): 46 MPG (personal driving lmpg)
1993 Honda Nighthawk motorcycle (dad): 50 MPG
Approximate fuel used for all 3 to drive one mile: 0.080 + 0.038 + 0.022 + 0.020 = 0.16 gal =
25.0 average MPG.
December 2018:
Today my parents just purchased a Prius, so now our driveway:
2015-2017 dealer demo car (dad): ~35 MPG (31-38 depending on vehicle)
2008 Toyota Prius (mom): 49 MPG
2006 Honda Insight (me): 72 MPG (hopefully higher when I figure out how to drive it efficiently

Approximate fuel used for all 3 to drive one mile: 0.029 + 0.020 + 0.014 = 0.063 gal =
47.6 average MPG.
I love how the most fuel inefficient car we have gets over 30 MPG.
I return home in 2 weeks. Time to finish learning how to drive manual + order stuff to mod that Insight! I'd love 100 MPG, but we'll see.