Originally Posted by RH77
Do you have trouble getting to sleep or nap in the afternoon?
I have trouble trying to stay awake. I have tried to break the habit of napping in the afternoon but it didn't work out. Just ended up napping later on in the day (6-7 o clock nap instead of 3 o clock nap). That's really not a help because then I would have trouble getting to sleep at night so I just cede to the 3 o clock nap now.
Originally Posted by bikin' Ed
Quality of sleep is as important as quantity. Physical activity during the day can yeild a better quality of sleep. As young as you are, you should be getting lots of activity (or workouts) in during the course a day. I know you're busy--we all are--but you only have one chance at life. Keep healthy from the start. Lack of sleep can cause a number of maladies later.
My new year's resolution lasted longer than normal. I got exercise everyday until about one month ago. Now physical exercise doesn't even cross my mind. Not to say that I am out of shape or anything. But I just don't exercise as much as I should. I guess I'll get back on to that a couple of times a week.
Originally Posted by whitevette
The above is good advice ( multi-vitamins are cheap-and good Rx).
Mom was talking to her sister today and apparently my cousin has the same issue. He takes vitamins and has a better day. But he said that he works better and more refreshed when he only gets 5-6 hours of sleep.
Originally Posted by truckncycle
Have you ever been bitten by a tick? I know that Lyme disease can really wipe you out.
Not that I know of. Not much of an camping kind outdoors man.