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Old 12-05-2018, 02:02 PM   #3942 (permalink)
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leave it in the ground

Originally Posted by sendler View Post
It's easy for "people" to say "just leave it in the ground" (the 100,000 protesting at the current world climate meeting in Poland) when they have no understanding of the relationship between energy/ economy/ population.
And then when "people" are faced with the economic hardship of forcing the market (carbon tax) to encourage just leaving it in the ground, you get the opposite protest.
A carbon tax, which I am for, is a tax on 90% of our (virtual) workers and will wreck the economy unless it is done with a progressive give back to the poor and middle class.
All the climatologists are saying,is don't burn it if you don't have to.
And as far as many activities go,done in the USA on a daily basis,these can be done without the combustion of fossil fuels,and powered with renewable energy sources.
Either we do this,or as as the near-term human extinction crowd advocates:
we just bring back Thalidomide, Red-Dye#2, Radium watch dials,polychlorinated biphenyls,cyclomates,drug store Heroin,Opium,put coca leaf back in Coca-Cola,etc.,and party 'til it ends.
90% of the workers can pull their heads out of the clouds,kill their television set,and learn how to live within their means.
Just Say No (to Madison Avenue).
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