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Old 12-05-2018, 03:36 PM   #3945 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
These are not "his" loads. Anyone can find data on current energy consumption and future projections. Major countries of the world spend $billions to develop this data.
I'm very sorry that I cannot seem to help you understand that it is quite delusional to believe that we could just with the stroke of a pen, tell everyone in the world that starting tomorrow, they will be phased into full austerity.
I know it is very painful for most people to accept where we are concerning the scale of fossil energy and the dependence of the world growth based economy on it.. And various defense mechanisms such as denial will kick in. But I am hopeful that we can all learn to be pragmatic.
*These energy flows have been available from the Energy Information Agency,and included in each issue of the World Almanac since before dirt.
They reflect what is,not what could be.It is contextual.
* I fully understand what they publish,and I also know enough about technology to know that what they represent is 'elastic'. given the potential for certain 'catalyzing' events.There is ample evidence that many US family bloodlines have selected against perspicacity,and are genetically incapable of dot connection,and critical thinking.Shame.
*There exist,extant, prima facie evidence which highly illustrate that these very energy flow paths CAN be altered,overnight,with the stroke of a pen.If public education in the United States had provided education to generations of students,rather than just groom them to enter no cost to industry,these former students would already know how flexible these energy paths can be.There's nothing dilusional about any of it.
*It's a absolute joy to know that we can walk away from plofligate waste,and send the second law of thermodynamics packing!Nineteen-year veteran coal miners in Pikesville,Kentucky know the coal jobs aren't coming back,so they're already training for the jobs that WILL be there.It will be that way across the entire economic landscape.They're going to repair the automation equipment which threatens their blue-collar jobs.Whatever else shows up.And we should help in any way.
*People who've retained perspicacity in their bloodlines are moving on.There's no lamenting the decline of combustion,only optimism for a more stable,safe,and healthy future sans tailpipe emissions.The pragmatic thing is to walk away from combustion as fast as we can,with zero nostalgia for a time that nearly wrecked an entire planet.What a legacy.
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