Originally Posted by aerostealth
Well oil pan would if we all become richer fighting climate change? Or do you just hate the idea of anything that would cause fossil fuels to go away?
I'm becoming richer bidding fairwell to fossil fuels.
The nissan leaf with home CHAdeMO and wiring in massive over kill of 240v charging capacity to the garage is saving me $150 to $200 per month in gas.
My wood stove and coal furnace saved me $50 to $100 in electricity just November.
The solar panels I'm putting up will reduce my power bill around $40 per month.
My well will eliminate my $50 water bill, not really fossil fuel related but involves me getting richer.
Next summer I figure out how to wire and plumb in my hot water heater heat pump, should at least cut my water heater power requirements at least in half.
Most everyone else can expect to get poorer.
Gas prices go up, something like 80% to 90% of people say they can't or won't or can't go electric most people are buying gas guzzlers. Oh well, their loss.
Electricity will get more expensive and will get much more expensive if the believers, nimby and other useful idiots have their way. The vast majority of people can't put up solar panels for some reason or another.
Most people can't or won't use a wood stove, electrical natural gas and liquid heating fuels will just get more and more expensive over time.
Water is getting harder to get, just ask California. I got a 16 inch bore well that is certified to pump 100gpm.