Will smooth hubcaps fit my 2000 Civic wheels?
I wanted to order a set of smooth hubcaps for my 2000 Civic DX, but I'm not sure if they'll work. The stock hubcaps are held on by the lugnuts, and the outside of them isn't clipped into the rim like normal hubcaps. I found a listing on eBay, but it says it probably won't work if your OEM caps are held on by lugnuts. So has anyone tried this? Anyone got smooth hubcaps or other caps to fit like normal ones where they pop into your rim on a Civic? Thanks in advance.
~ If you don't jump with both feet, you don't move at all ~
2000 Civic DX :: 52/50 psi :: Free Warm er Air Intake :: Duct Tape Aero
"Spare the duct tape, spoil the job."