Originally Posted by slowmover
It isn’t the range. It’s the conditions.
Time spent at a speed where aero benefits are real. Versus killing the utility of the box shape. The trade-off.
My out-of-towners may not be representative of a standard,mean,national average,but the aero mods have allowed real world hwy mileage as high as 39.9mpg,on regular unleaded,and range well in excess of 900 miles/tank.
It's the reason I keep at it.
I have expectations of breaking the 40-mpg barrier in 2020.
My last tip down to the VA Hospital cost me 3.5-hours for a 55-mile 1-way commute.So I understand the average speed issue.
If I ran the world, there'd be a moratorium on real estate development for every local impacted by traffic congestion.