As I read the thread, I was going to mention the issue of the light spread with LEDs, but it appears you've already discovered it.
My best guess - since I haven't tried it - is that you want to try LEDs that are aligned like your OE bulb is. If your filament runs side to side, the LEDs should too, and if your filament runs front to back, your LEDs should too. Otherwise I doubt it will throw the light anywhere near close to the direction the reflectors are designed to work with.
Again, I haven't tried it yet, but it seems logical that these flat & wide LEDs have little chance of throwing the light in the correct direction(s). Especially when it comes to high/low beams, which are on separate filaments with slightly different locations within a bulb, allowing for a tighter or a wider beam depending in which is active.
These cheapo bulbs would probably be fine for a car that never leaves the city or otherwise never needs the high beams, and will definitely cut back on power consumption. Plus it will take a long time for the efficiency to repay $100 if its only saving you a few cents per tank of gas...mostly of benefit to people going alternatorless to increase run-time between charges.