Originally Posted by GenKreton
Stealing the light system off a Prius is a lot more profitable (and you can make homemade tasers).
OOHH teach me how to make my own Taser.
Think of the fun you can have with your Friends.
"Here Billy, grab this wire for a second."
"AAUUGGHH" "What the hell was that"
"That was my new TaserToy from Ronco."
"OOHH where can I get one?"
"So you don't forget, call before midnight tonight---1-800-BIGSHOK "
Seriously, Give us an instructional on Building your own taser.
I have access to all kinds of stuff.
I could give it to my daughter for personal protection.
I'm tooooooo cheap to actually buy her one.
plus building my own would be a neat project, ( cause i only have about 30 projects werkin right now anyway.)
Thanx. S.