Originally Posted by MetroMPG
We did an eco-driving session today, and honestly, he didn't need it. (He actually beat my score, and graciously tried to soothe my bruised ego by blaming the heat pump for running more during my lap!)
One thing I was able to show him that he didn't know was how to shift to neutral for long glides. He wasn't aware that he had to hold the shifter in the detent for a second or 2 for N to activate.
I'd say it's probably harder to ecodrive an EV. The biggest controllable factors of efficiency are speed and cabin heat use.
I just watched an hour video on the Chevy Bolt Motor/transaxle. The one takeaway I learned is that shifting to N disables the electric oil pump that keeps the top mounted sump full of transmission/cooling fluid. I'm not sure if other EVs are built similarly, and I'm not sure if it matters much, but it's possible the gears don't get adequate protection while coasting. I might stop that habit in the Prius.
Skip to minute 9 through 10 to see an explanation of the lubrication system.