Pressure cook rice?
Mom gave me an expensive rice cooker. I'll calculate the electricity cost to do a 40min cook.
I imagine cooking rice doesn't take much more energy to do a larger batch, so you could just cook more at a time and store the leftovers.
I was able to save 90% of my paycheck back in those days. Car was paid off, work provided my cell phone. My only expenses were gasoline, food, $8/mo gym membership... I'd stay at my parent's on my days off and do laundry. This allowed me to save up enough to buy a house in 2010, get roommates which offset the mortgage cost, and continue saving. I paid cash for a wedding, wife's CC debt, student loans, 2 years of a medical program, and have a lot saved up now after having our first baby.
I don't budget. Budgeting is for people who aren't naturally frugal (dislike spending money). Spenders need a budget.
Last edited by redpoint5; 12-19-2018 at 06:15 PM..