Interesting perspectives on this issue and the attempt to find the right words for these phenomena is mind expanding (for me).
Snow settles where the air velocity is low enough, otherwise it gets blown off the surface and will not settle.
Low air velocity = High Pressure
High air velocity = Low pressure
In short, the snow flakes falling on various automotive shapes in it's final form represents the equalization of air pressure zones and air velocities.
Going back to some old schoolbook rules as reference.
Equilibrium Rule
Equilibrium of a body is defined as the state when all the forces and actions acting on the body nullify each other resulting in a stable, balanced and unchanging position. It is the stage when the body is either in a state of rest or moving with a constant velocity
Normally I would think of the term "
equilibrium" under the context of Newton's laws of motion, but there are different conditions or applications of the concept such as this snowfall issue that challenge my perception.
Types of Equilibrium
There are mainly three types of equilibrium:
How all these rules come into our understanding of aerodynamics is pretty fascinating if you ask me. Sometimes it's too easy to get enamored with the forms and forget the forces.
Newton's laws of motion