Originally Posted by esali1987
I now have a good throttle signal and HV hooked up to the IGBTs. Phase to phase I dont get any signal and I am not really sure where I should measure to see the control voltage from the IGBTs. Can anyone help with this? Thanks!
Sorry - I didn't see this as a new post for some reason
Agreed - voltages should swing from slightly negative (-3V or -5V) to about 15V.
I don't have access to my controller - it will be Jan 2 before I can go home and look. I should look at that in any case to determine if I killed my control board when I killed my IGBTs, or if I just killed the IGBTs.
The IGBTs are driven (or they were in my version ) by through-hole connections direct to the IGBT pins. I don't remember how many pins, or what the signals are for each. That's what I'd have to look up.