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Old 01-04-2019, 01:39 PM   #4394 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
With the technology of today life should not be scary
Technology is merely a distraction from the scary world in which we live. We still exercise our fight or flight response on relatively unimportant things, such as deadlines. We still suffer disease and death. Technology has done nothing to address the vanity and frailty of life.

Uncle Jordan is very careful when speaks, and knows how to transmit ideas withou left edges to be acused of direct say someting. And he always is surrounded by right wings activists, and for example when commented about christian orthodox, didn't said one single critic.
Jordan is a relative of yours? Now that's the interview I'd like to see.

So your criticism is that he hasn't been careless enough with his speech to really object to him? He has a rule that if he doesn't know enough about something, that he doesn't comment on it. He's also got a rule that if he's being asked something rhetorically (antagonistically), that he doesn't answer.

The the fact he asks help on Patreon (he asks people to open the walet), despite be aready wealth with his salary, his bussiness, books sales, lectures (he is paid for) youtube views... Makes me remamber the evangelic preachers...
He isn't on Patreon, and I've never heard him ask listeners to give him money. What does his relative wealth have to do with accepting money people give? Should we expect people at some arbitrary wealth level to stop accepting money? Is it reasonable to criticize someone who accepts donations when they offer their time for free?

These objections are absurd. Try harder. I've asked for something specific he has said which you object to, and you haven't provided anything.

I'm not left wing, but I found both side a crap, despite the left wing crap had raised and it's in some sort of domain over media and at universities making brainwashing and creating "victm-dictatorship. But just because the left it's in a crazy and powerfullk moment, this will not lead me to agree with the greed side of right wing (not that left hadn't some of it too in other ways).

Of course uncle Jordan said some very important things and helped to unmask the crazy sh...t of crazy left wings radicals. But he is suspect for me, cause he always workship one single side. I never saw hin made critics to right wing, critic to prejudice, critics aboutr crazy religion people unless it's from middle east. And a bout his degree in psychology... well... there are many psychologists, and some complete oposed to eachother, and for me this somehow proves how worthless psychology can be.
Most psychologists are very disturbed persons inside.
You're associating Peterson with the right-wing. What evidence is there that he is more than a small amount right of center? He criticises the right, and validates the existence of the left constantly. I don't think you're actually listening to Peterson, but instead reading a 3rd party Op Ed to form your opinion. I'm waiting for evidence to support any of your claims.

The mind is among the least understood things; of course it's going to be quasi-science. Just because it's a difficult field doesn't mean it isn't worth pursuing.

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
I've heard before that renewables are relatively easy to accommodate up to about 20% of overall consumption, but the difficulty exponentially increases from there.
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