Authoritary systems give power to a few, in general to a politic leaders. Unless a corporate sociopath reachs political leadership, he could not be a authoritary.
Aren't sociopaths sucked upward by any power structure?
Simple people will have no power to defends thenselves against large bussinessman, corporation.
Lionel likes to say "We can drown them in our urine."
That's why the hippies failed, because they imagined, in their fairy tale dopped minds, that humans were good and just the evil politics who start vietinan war was evil. And the hippies, today dressed as left wing radicals mostly, failed once again due the same reason.
Please don't equate the hippys to the racist, Puritanical left today. They were open and accepting. That was their downfall, they were coopted by the government spooks in Laurel Canyon. Hippys were necessary for their time. They got us out of the NPC 1950s and
invented the personal computer.
This is probably off-topic outside The Lounge.